Whispering Smith

No, Murray. I'm only asking
to talk this over. Come on.

Anything you got to say, you can
say right here, but say it fast.

That wreck's gonna sit across
the tracks until this thing's settled.

You mean, it's either your way, or
you'll tap the whole line, is that it?

That's it. Murray, I still
think we can talk it over.

Sure, we can,
but it'll never be your way.

Bill, you heard what
Mr. McCloud said.

Start unloading that wagon. All right,
Seagrue. Get movin'. Haul that load out of here.

Seagrue, if you move those mules,
I'll shoot them from between the traces.

All right, Bill.
Unload that wagon.

You want this stuff, huh?
By Judas, you'll have it!

Come on, boys! Lend a hand!
Here's a dress for ya!
- Sinclair, you're fired.
- That suits me fine, just fine!

And me too! And give 'em mine.
Sure, I'm sticking with Murray!

You boys were through
the moment you got on that wagon.

You know the trouble with you, Smith. You've worn
a marshal's badge so long, you now smell like one.

All right, Seagrue. Let's go. We'll
cool off at the ranch with a few drinks.

Hyah.! Here we come.! Giddyap,
there.! Come on.! Giddyap, there.!

Come on. Break it up!
All right, men. Get back to work!

a pretty tough customer.

No, he's not tough.
Just hog-headed stubborn, that's all.

Get back to work.! Come on. Clear
off that track.! Right or wrong,

once Murray starts something,
he'll finish it, regardless.

we have to fix this up, McCloud.

He's too good a man to lose.
That McCloud,
sticking his big nose in.

I bet he just about busted his neck
getting his report into Bucks.

You know Murray.
Try shoving him around,

and he'll beat your brains out
just for the fun of it.

McCloud just doesn't
know how to handle him.
