Criss Cross

Finchley? Gee whiz,
I thought he was dead.

But why do we all
have to go to him?

When they're the top men
in their line, you go to them.

Hello, Finchley.
I'm glad to see ya.

I mean it.
I thought you was dead.

they're all waiting.

A lunatic idea.
I told you.

Won't go near it.
Wouldn't be bothered.

Finchley, there's a month's
credit for you at Conrad's
Liquor Store on Hill St.

I'm going out this evening.
A previous engagement.

We can't go ahead
without you.
You're top man!

Relax. It'll take
just a minute.

He'll come around.
You don't like the whole thing,
call it off!
I'm not taking any short count.

I figured it all out.
It's a two-way split.
One for you, one for me.

Cut your half
any way you like.
In a pig's eye.

Can you work it
without me?
You know I can't.

Let's get this straight
before we start.

This is the way I want it:

That boy is no fool.
He's got cards in spades.

Don't worry.
There'll be plenty left
for all of you.

Slim, he's right.
You're the boss man.
Any way you want it.

Where's Finchley?
Why don't you go see
what's holdin' him up?

Just a minute, Slim.
You know Finch.
You can't rush him.

Slim, why do I have to stay here?
Why don't I go to a movie?

What do you wanna go
to a movie for?
Don't you wanna stick around?

Doesn't this interest ya?
Sit down.

Come on.
Hurry him up.

Here he comes.
Walt talked him into it.

Just dropped by to tell you
you're wasting your time.

We know all that, Finchley.
Come on. Let's go to work.
