Criss Cross

To stall at the proper time
and block the bridge.

Oh, jam the truck sideways,
right across the road.

That'll give your people
a bit of a head start
for the getaway.

Trouble is, there's radio nowadays.
Two-way radio.

Now, what are you going to tell 'em
if they find you up ahead, hmm?

What's your story?
I'm takin' a trip...
to Detroit.

Up along the coast,
by way of San Francisco.

But really go there.
Advertise it.

Let the cops downtown
put it on their Teletype
so that everybody knows.

We'll pass the word around
and then give a big party
the night before.

Good. Good.
Do you understand?
Steve, Steve.

You're going
to Palos Verdes.

I wanna cry.
I wanna cry.

Go up to the house
and wait for me.

I wish
we'd never met.

It's done and settled.
It's the only way.

I wish you'd
never seen me.

You'll stay there.
You'll wait for me.

It'll take time to get away.
They'll hold me,
ask me questions.

But stay there,
and don't worry.

You gotta hand it
to the old man.

Now, is the new bridge
up there all finished?

Who checked the highways?
What about the detours?

There you are.
There you have it.

The way I understand it,
there'll be no shooting.
No shooting whatever.

No matter how it goes,
I don't want nothin' to happen
to the old man that's with me.

Is that understood?
You're the boss man.

Anything else
you'd like, boss?

Yes. Who handles
the payoff?

What's the matter?
You worried because
I'll be in Detroit?

Don't tell me
you don't trust me.

That hurt your feelings?
No. Anything you like.
Who do you want?

Him? Him?
Pick anyone.
I don't care.

What about her?
I don't know
any of the boys.
