I Was a Male War Bride

I can hear you,
but I can't find you.

Darling, are you all right?
Where are you?

Here I am, over here.
There you are.
thank goodness you're safe.

How did you get out there?
Wait a minute.
I'm all out of breath
from chasing you.

Chasing me?
You weren't on the motorcycle?

You were by yourself.
You got off and left me.
Henri, what's all this "darling"
business you were mumbling about?

Did I say that?

I heard you.
Probably fright, it's natural.
Did you mean me?
I think I was stunned

Maybe, but you looked like you were
going to kiss me when you saw me.

I what?
I wish you had. I've never
been kissed by a Frenchman.

What's so strange about that?
You know what people say.
That's nonsense.
You hear people talk...
We're no different than
anybody else.

- I don't know, I've just heard talk.
- That's silly.

- Why don't you try it and let me see?
- Catherine...

It's the only way to find out.
But it's so silly.
No harm in trying,
is there?

I suppose not.
All right, go ahead.
- Are you ready?
- Sure.

That was no good,
that wasn't different at all.

I told you it wouldn't be.
I thought it'd be better than that.
You didn't give me
much of a chance.

That wasn't fair.
Of course it wasn't.
I ought to give you
another chance.

Yes, you ought.
Go ahead, try again.
All right.
Come here.
Well, that was a little better.
