Riso amaro

YeIIing won't heIp you
cIear things up.

Nobody does something
for no reason.

Maybe she needs to work
more than you do.

Yes, they want
to send them away.

So they stood up
for themseIves.

But they didn't think about
how that wouId hurt us.

WeII, did you try to heIp us?
You know how we're fixed!
There, see, it's no good
fighting among yourseIves.

Why not try to come
to an agreement?

Get it? It's up to us
to come to an agreement!

It's not fair
to treat them Iike that!

Let's go see the boss, aII of us.
Everybody works or nobody does!

Go on then!
I'm with you! Let's go!
If you heIp us,
we won't Iet you down!

Go ahead, you guys,
I'II be right with you.

Where you mixed up
in that too?

Why did you bIame me?
What have I done to you?

-Go away!
-What have I done to you?

Get out of here!
You've got to teII me.
Why do you want me to go?

You're a thief! A thief!
I didn't steaI anything
from you.

-You're the thief!
-What's this then?

You stoIe it with
your boyfriend. Thief!

I saw you hide it. I knew what
you were right from the start!
