Riso amaro

You'd take it aII in one go?
Why? You reckon
that's a bad idea?

We'd need aII the trucks
on the farm.

You said it!
And what's it worth,
the rice in here?

WhoIesaIe, around 7 miIIion.
We just have to find
a buyer then.

No, we just have to get it out!
We couId do the job together.

You can find me here.
Forget those bags now.

You couId bIow the whoIe
thing and wind up in jaiI.

Soggy rice again! Don't they
give you anything eIse here?

What were you taIking about?
Let's get out of here,
what are we waiting for?

Where do we go without a cent?
Into the arms of the Iaw?

We're both okay here. You
work and make a bit of money.

As for me, who's going
to Iook for me here?

Besides... maybe I've found
a way to make a piIe of dough.

But that girI know everything!
She's hotheaded.

You can never teII
what she's thinking.

She's invoIved too now.
You didn't teII her it's a fake?
