She Wore a Yellow Ribbon

What do you make
of the wound, doctor?

I'll need an hour, major.
Fetch him to the hospital.

Not IKiowa.
No, not Comanche nor Arapahos either,
with those color bands.

All right, put in
your two cents' worth.

Arrows with yellow, white and red are
the sign of the Southern Cheyenne.

I've seen Bannocks and Snakes
use the same.

That's very true. But look
at the clan mark on this arrow.

It's the sign of the dog.
That came from the bow of
a Southern Cheyenne Dog Soldier.

What would they be doing
this far south?

That ain't my department, sir.
- Alert the post, sergeant.
- Yes, sir.

- Get some rest, Tyree.
- Thank you, sir.

Just a moment, Mr. Pennell,
if you please!

Lieutenant, the post is closed.
Sorry, Miss Dandridge.

Sorry, indeed! Mr. Cohill, haven't
you anything better to do...

...than make yourself obnoxious?
If you have complaints
about my orders...

...submit them
to Major Allshard in writing.

- Duplicate or triplicate?
- Don't be a spoilsport.

That's what he is.
I wouldn't trust you to take me out
so you're hazing Pennell.
