The Heiress

If she marries a man I don't approve,
I shall leave my part to the clinic.

- Yes, but she has the 10,000 now.
- Yes, she has.

That is still a great deal of money,

It is and consider
how he has behaved with money.

He gratified his every wish.
Did he help you with the children?

He enlarged his capacities in Europe.
He left his gloves here last night,
the finest chamois. Look at yours.

Will he help you
with this fortune he hopes to marry?

I would stake my life he would not!
You must follow your own dictates,

Tell me she's not a victim of
his selfishness. Tell me I'm wrong.

I must go now.
- Good day, Doctor.
- Good day, ma'am.

Oh, has Mrs Montgomery left?
I wanted Lavinia to meet her.

- Yes, Liz, she has left.
- Did you like her?

- Very much.
- Oh, good.

Catherine has just asked Elizabeth if
Marian might be her maid of honour.

Catherine is radiant.
I've never seen her this way before.

She must get over it.
He is worthless.

- What?
- The man's a fortune hunter.

All he's interested in is her money.
Are you going to tell that
to Catherine?

- No.
- But, Austin...

Catherine, Mrs Montgomery has left.
Oh, I took too long. I wanted
to make the tray especially nice.

It was not your fault, my dear.
We have concluded our talk.

Did Mrs Montgomery
tell you something bad, Father?

- No, Catherine.
- I did not impress her favourably.

Good heavens!
Don't hold yourself so cheaply.
