The Heiress

That can be a bond
between you in time.

I hope so. He has earned
all of this by his work.

He believes that every man
should do the same.

The trouble is
that some of us cannot.

- You miss her, don't you, Morris?
- Very much.

- Dinner is served, Mrs Penniman.
- Yes, Maria.

- And the claret is room temperature.
- Thank you, Maria.

- I hope I haven't kept you waiting.
- No, my dear.

- Wouldn't you prefer to go inside?
- I like this table.

Oh, did you use to come here
with my mother?

Yes, Catherine, I did.
Would you like some chocolate?

No, thank you very much.
- Oh! There's the Café Riche.
- So it is. What about it?

Aunt Penniman mentioned it
in her last letter.

She said that
all the best people of...

...Paris frequent it.
A winter of loneliness
has given her second sight.

- Something for mademoiselle?
- No.

Bien, monsieur.
Have you given him up?
No, Father.
You mean that in all this time
you have not yielded one inch?

No, Father.
I see no reason
to prolong this trip. Do you?

I thought you wanted to see England.
I've seen England.
