
(Phone rings)
Now, Daisy, I told you
I didn't want to be disturbed.

Palm Springs?
All right, put her through.

Oh, Teri! I was wondering who could
be in Palm Springs on a Wednesday.

I told you I'd have
the money for you by the first.

You're not going to exercise your new
martyr complex and ruin both of us.

You're going to pay every dollar
you owe to your loving daughter

and live on as an honest woman.
My dear old ex-adored,
it's none of your stupid business
just where I get the money, or how.

Yes, granted, I'm an oily rascal.
Yes, I agree, a liar, a swindler
and... What was that last one?

Oh, yes, without any conscience.
You're in top form today, Teri.

Almost makes me lonesome
for your faded charms.

No, I won't have it for you tomorrow.
I told you it would take a week.

Oh, and watch yourself, my dear.
Mars and the minor planets
are in your 7th house until the 21st.

That may mean serious trouble
for you unless you're very careful.

Have fun.
- Is Mr Korvo in?
- Mrs Sutton?

- Yes.
- Please go right up. Apartment 9B.

- Where's the house telephone?
- Over there, but he's expecting you.

Thank you.
Apartment 9B, please.
(Phone rings)
Hello? Oh, my dear Ann,
where are you?

You're very prompt, that's a virtue
in a patient. Please come up, 9B.
