White Heat

-What's eating you, sugar?
-You and your big ideas.

That's all they are. Ideas.
"You and me belong together, sugar.
Just leave it to Big Ed. "

I'm sick of waiting
for you to make your move.

You're as scared of Cody as any of them.
He's still Mr. Big, in prison or out.

-What makes you think so?
-You. Fair is fair, is it?

That's quite a beef you put up
about Cody being in on the cut.

See, a guy who thinks his pals
are taking care of him...

he gets kind of careless.
What does that mean?
Alive, Cody gets out
in one, two years, maybe.

Dead, he gets out sooner.
Right now, he's a sitting duck
up there in that pen.

He's rubbing elbows with a guy
that does anything I say.

When, Ed?
When I say so.
Where's Pardo?
You know all about radios.
Maybe you can fix the warden's.

-I'll fix it so it blows up in his face.
-Suits me.
