White Heat

Hold it. Where you going, Pardo?
-What's doing, kid?
-I don't like being pushed around.

My orders was nobody was to leave.
That might go for hoods like him.
When I got a reason to leave, I leave.

Nobody has any reasons
I don't know about.

-He jumped me, Cody.
-Get back on the job.

That was pretty fancy wrestling, kid.
Where'd you learn it?

-In the army.
-You're a liar.

They don't take cons in the army.
When the war broke out,
I didn't have any record except kid stuff.

What were you doing just now, soldier?
Going over the hill?

No. I figured maybe I'd run in to L.A.
Be back before anyone knew.
-What's doing in L.A.?
-My wife. She don't know where I am.

When we crashed out,
I didn't leave no forwarding address.

-It's the truth, Cody.
-Why didn't you ask me?

I figured you might get sore.
So you took off on your own.
I haven't seen her in a long time.
I'm human, you know, like everyone else.
All right, kid.
You're just lonesome.
Lonesome like me.
-What about...
-You mean Verna?

All I ever had was Ma. Now...
Your mother alive?
No, she died before I even knew her.
