Annie Get Your Gun

Who gave you Indians permission
to use this car?

Annie Oke.
I might have known it.
Mrs. Little Horse, this is our car
and this is my section.

And I'll thank you
not to do your laundry in it.

Look at this place. It's a disgrace!
This is what I mean, Mr. Davenport.
Look at this car. The woodwork!

Hey, you Indians,
stop that cutting that thing up.

Look what they've done
to our curtains here!

-Looks like the Battle of Bull Run, don't it?
-They've done $100 worth of damage.

Who told you Indians
you could pitch a village in here?

I did. They're only sitting
till the smoke clears.

-What smoke?
-Back in their coach.

They was cooking a little supper
and they had a small fire.

A small fire!
All right, you Indians break up camp
and get back to your car. Hurry up. Go on.

Come on now. Get.
What gets into you?
I'm sorry, Charlie. I don't mean anything.
And I want to apologize for Little Jake
and the girls unhitching the caboose.

If they only hadn't done it on a hill.
I cut this out of the paper. It's about you.
About me? Thanks.
First call for supper.
That was a close call. Are you all right?
Come back. While they're eating,
we'll have our reading lesson.

Yes, now. Have you got your book?
Let's see, now.
What's that word?
Are you sure that's a word?
