Annie Get Your Gun

That's ridiculous. She's only doing
a few little tricks, isn't she?

-Yes, Frank.
-Isn't she?

I don't understand you.
You like her, don't you?

Sure I like her,
and I want to keep liking her.

-Where's Buffalo Bill?

Jumping buffalo!
It's me.
Have I been up there all the time?
Do you like it?
Like it?
Oh, Charlie! I can't believe it.
Wait till Frank sees it!
-Will you go get him, Charlie? Please.

"There's no business
"Like show business
"Like no business I know
"All made up and soon you'll be appearing
"Every bit of nervousness is gone
"Then the sound that's music
to your hearing

"To hear them cheering when you come on
"There's no people like show people
"They smile when they are low
"How I wish the folks at home
could only see

"What's come to Annie
how proud they'd be

"Getting paid for doing
what comes naturally

"Let's go on with the show"
