
Now, now, now... Calm down, everybody.
The poor IittIe thing’s scared to death.
Jaq, maybe you'd better
explain things to him.

Zuk-zuk, Cinderelly. Zuk-zuk.
Now, now, now...
Look-a, IittIe guy.
Take it r-easy. Nothin' to worry 'bout.
We Iike-a you.
Cinderelly like you too. She's nice.
Very nice. That's-a better.
Come on, now. Zuk-zuk-zuk!
Za... za... zuk-zuk.
Well, that's better.
Well, let's just slip it on for size.
It is a IittIe snug,
but it'll have to do.
Now, for a name.
I've got one... Octavious!
But for short, we'll call you Gus.
Like it, Gus-Gus? Like it? Like it?
Uh... Gus-Gus.
Now I've got to hurry.
See that he keeps out of trouble, Jaq,
and don't forget to warn him about the cat.
Zuk-zuk. Look-a... uh, uh...
ever seen a cat-cat?

Duh... cat-cat?
Hup! Cat-cat! R-ucifee, that's-a him.
Mean...sneaky... Jump at you!
Jump at you! Ha! Big, Big! Big as a house!
Zuk-zuk... R-ucifee?
Duh... R-ucifee. Zuk-zuk.
