In a Lonely Place

I didn't expect you to give me
more inf ormation...

...but certain f acts
contradict your original statement.

-I wish you'd say what you mean.
-Yes, let's do that.

On the night of the Atkinson murder,
you looked at Dix on Steele...

-...and said you didn't know him.
-I didn't.

Since then, you and he
have been inseparable.

He's writing a script.
I'm typing it.

-Do you receive a salary f or this?
-No. I'm doing it f or love.

-You're in love with Mr. Steele?
-For the record, I am.

-Are you going to be married?
-lf we do, I'll send you an invitation.

After all, you introduced us
to each other.

-You're not making my job any easier.
-I don't see how I could.

Why the chip on your shoulder?
Why the defiant attitude? Aren't we
on the same side in this matter?

Doesn't it f righten you
that there's a killer at large?

He may be in your building.
Certainly in your neighbourhood.

Look at these men.
They seem perfectly normal to you?

Each one has committed
a horrible murder.

Each one is a ruthless maniac.
Mildred Atkinson wasn't killed f or any
understandable reason.

She had no money, no enemies.
It wasn't a sex murder.

The act of a sick mind with an urge to
destroy something young and lovely.

I recognize your position, captain,
but you must recognize mine.

I love Dix. It upsets me that you
suspect him, even f or a second.

Not a second, f or three weeks.
He's our most logical suspect.

Why don't you investigate
her boyf riend?

We have.
He seems absolutely in the clear.
