Les Enfants terribles

Show us
Don't make me do it again;
I couldn't

Brushes don't count; they're useful
- I'm no idiot
- I didn't think so... till now

Something very difficult
- The watering-can
- Never!

Do it, or I won't speak to you again
But it's enormous
Show me your mettle
No buts, just obey. You can have the
cape to help hide the watering-can

We'll be watching
Hello, Mariette
You do look well. Have you
enjoyed yourselves?

- Have you been good?
- Very

We remembered you, too
Now you'll have somewhere
to keep hot water

The curtain went up every night
at 11 o'clock

No matinées, except on Sundays
In this room, with Gérard
camped on the floor...

...the drama unfolded unnoticed...
Paul with his milk and his towels...

...Elisabeth with her magazines...
