Night and the City

Never less than a hundred quid.
And who runs the place for him? I do. Me.

I know
how to make a club spin.

If he can do that,
just think, Harry, think.

We're younger, stronger,
healthier than he is.

We've got more life in our little finger
than he has in the whole of his body.

Oh, Harry, we must. I've got to get away
from him. Please, Harry. Please! Please!

Helen, listen - Listen!
You can still
get away from Phil.

This wrestling pitch is gonna mean
a lot to us. It's gonna mean the whole -

All right, Helen.
You always were
a smart girl.

Maybe you're right.
I'm always right.
Now telephone
that wrestler.

Tell him you're set.
You'll string him
and Phil along.

But night and day,
you're gonna do one thing -

rip London apart
if you have to...

but you're going to
get me that license.

All right, Helen.
- Who is it?
- We are looking for a Mr. Harry Fabian.

He's not here.
The place is closed. Go away.

Mr. Kristo sent us.
- Sorry. Forgive me.
- It is I who must ask you
to forgive this intrusión, sir.

But it is imperative that I have a few words
with Mr. Harry Fabian.

I understand he is
employed by you, sir.

Well, in a manner
of speaking.

- He works on commissión.
But I should hardly regard -
- Ah, yes, quite.

My name, sir, is Chilk. Fergus Chilk.
I am Mr. Kristo's personal solicitor.

This is Mr. Yosh.
He also is employed by Mr. Kristo.

Well, if there's anything
I can do for Mr. Kristo -

Yes, quite. Thank you.
Mr. Kristo is disturbed.
Yes, disturbed.

Word has reached him that Harry Fabian
is about to engage in the promotion of wrestling.
