Panic in the Streets

Raymond Fitch, laundry attendant.
1943... petty larceny.
Thirty days.

1945... petty larceny. Ninety days.
Shall I go any further?

Nah, forget it.
Mind if I smoke?
Trying to get away from cigarettes.

Put it out.
You ever see this guy?

- No, I never seen this guy.
- Well, look.

I never seen this guy.
What are you asking me for?
A kisser like that, you see it,
you remember it, huh?

- Where were you last night all night?
- Last night? Last night.

Oh, yeah. I went to see my mother-in-law.
She was wrestling semifinals...

- Where were you?
- I was only kidding. Actually...

- me and my wife went to see a movie.
- Where were you, fat boy?

- What's the matter? You don't believe me?
- You're a constitutional liar.

Lot of people have told me the same thing.
I don't mind.

Of course, the body was burned,
so we don't have too much.

The boys who did examine him
say he may be an Armenian...

Czech, or mixed blood...
approximate age, 42;
height, 5'9"; weight, 143.

Suit made in Haifa,
shoes in Buenos Aires.

You ought to notify
the immigration authorities immediately.

- Get rid of him.
- All right. Let's go.

- Keep going, Scott.
- Mobile, Tampa, and other gulf ports
have no record of him.

- Anything else?
- Uh, let's see. The F.B.I. Has no record on him.

Our lab found traces of fish,
rust-resistant paint, and salt in his clothes.

- The fish traces could be shrimp.
- It's certainly positive he came in off a boat...

Unless he walked through a fish market,
bought four pounds of shrimp...

and brushed against
a freshly painted fire escape.

I suppose those are all
the photographs we have?

Those are the only ones, sir.
The emergency shifts are coming in now, sir.

- Okay.
- Oh, Captain...

the, uh... the boys are sort of wondering
why they have to take these shots.

They've been wondering, have they?
Where do they think they are... in a summer camp?

- Because the commissioner said so, that's why.
- That's what I told 'em.

What's the matter? They afraid of
a little needle? They been wondering.

- Roll up your sleeve.
- What do you mean?
What do you think you're gonna do?

- Roll up your sleeve.
- Why should I take one of those things?

Because the commissioner said so.
And I told the commissioner.
Roll it up.
