Rio Grande

Come on, Jeff, get in there!
Let them fight!
Come on!
Hey, cooI it off, there.
Break it up!
Break it up there!

Break it up!
Break it up there!

Come on, break it up!
Break it up, I teII you.

WeII, Iet them fight.
-Now, what started this fight?
-I refuse to answer, sir.

-Go ahead, teII him Reb.

This feIIa here spoke reaI derogatory
about the boy"s pappy.

He aIso said he was the teacher"s pet
of a chowder-headed Mick sergeant.

What"s that mean, Doc?
-Did you say that?
-Yes, I did.

-You did, did you?
-Yes, I did.

-Did you mean it, did you?
-Yes, I did.

We"II settIe this tonight,
behind the picket Iine.

SoIdier fashion.
Marquess of Queensbury ruIes.

Chowdedd-faced, chow...
What was it he said?

Chowder-headed Mick sergeant.
Chowder-headed Mick...
And you meant it, did you?

-Yes, I did.
-Nine o"cIock tonight, boys.

Get it done, Johnny Reb.
Atta-boy, Jeff!
Keep after him!
