Stage Fright

If you will allow me to say so,
you look depressed.

Yes, the cheering word,
the helping hand...

I'm perfectly all right.
Oh, good. Right. Good, good.
Is there anything I can do?
Look, I don't know your trouble,
but you don't look very well to me.

A little brandy can't do you any harm.
Why not drink it?

My great-aunt died over a glass of brandy,
but it was her 15th that day.

- Feeling any better?
- Yes, thank you.

You left your lunch over there.
It won't feel lonely.
I'll go back to it in a minute.

Perhaps you're allergic to bars.

...would you feel less uneasy
if I sat with you, or more so?

- Perhaps you're allergic to strange men too.
- No. I love strange men.

- I mean, I'm very fond of them.
- I'll just go and get my lunch.

The butler told me. Never saw such a sight.
They say his head was bashed in.

I heard they clocked him so hard his
false teeth went across the room.

I know I'm pretty silly, but I overheard
two people on the street today...

...talking about the murder.
They went into a lot of detail.
I felt so sick and giddy,
I just had to come in and have a brandy.

My father says I tend
to overdramatize everything.

I expect he's right. I know how you feel,
though. I hate violence myself.

Doesn't that make it
rather difficult for you?

I mean, I think we ought to face up
to the ugly side of life.

Now, me, for instance.
I'm an actress.

I ought to face up to all sorts
of experiences, oughtn't I?

Oh, I don't know. Supposing I happened
to be a librarian.

A librarian doesn't encounter much violence
except an occasional encyclopedia falling.

But you're not a librarian, are you?
No, I'm not. How do you know?
