Stage Fright

Yes. You gotta watch your step
when you're up against the police.

If that wasn't enough,
when I came out of the house...

...the reporters pounced on me with their
questions, asking me the lowdown.

I just jumped out of my skin when that
photographer's flashbulb went.

Well, I mean, fancy taking my picture.
You're quite a celebrity, you lucky girl.
I'll have to buy the Daily Mirror tomorrow.

Of course, I'm not saying a word
to the reporters. Not a word.

After all, who discovered the body?
I'll be a star witness at that trial, and my
story ought to be worth something...

...and I've no intention of giving it away.
- Isn't she talking too much?
- Too much, too loud, too everything.

How do you feel now?
Oh, I feel a little better, thank you.
I have to go.
I don't like leaving you here alone.
Do you feel fit enough
to let me see you home?

- I have a car.
- Perhaps you'd better let me drive it for you.

Well, that's very kind of you.
I do still feel a bit wobbly.

To be quite honest, it isn't kindness at all.
I mean, I'm afraid I maneuvered it.

How clever of you.
You've got something there, Fred.
I'll drink to that, on you.

A double gin and lemon, please.
Double? All right, Nellie,
I hope it chokes you.

You don't miss a trick, do you?
You're always on the make.

My mother's really a dear. My father, too,
but they shout at one another...

...and neither one like to shout.
I can't tell you
how much I appreciate this.

You've been extraordinarily kind and
you know nothing whatsoever about me.

Oh, I don't know, Miss Gill.
You were born in South Africa.
The 17th of September, wasn't it?

Educated in America and you're studying
at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.

Your parents don't live together.
You're a very well-behaved lady, but allergic
to murder, and that drove you to drink.

I hope it's only temporary.
But I don't even know your name.
I only know that you play the piano.
I'm so sorry. It was stupid of me.
I forgot. My name is Smith.
