Stage Fright

I suppose he just tried
to make it look like robbery.

What's your name again?
- Doris, sir.
- You know, Doris, you're not bad-looking.

- Thank you, sir.
- You don't treat your face properly.

If you fixed your hair and used makeup,
you'd be quite attractive.

I suppose I shouldn't have seen him
as often as I did.

But I didn't realize how madly
infatuated he was with me.

I just didn't realize.
You'll never know how much
I blame myself for all this.

When my husband came back
from New York last week...

...and I told Jonnie I couldn't see him...
...he kept on phoning me.
He wouldn't let me alone.
Oh, maybe if I had agreed to see him...
...he wouldn't have done
this dreadful thing.

- When did you last see Jonathan Cooper?
- Let me think.

It must have been a week...
A week before my husband died.
- Go on. What are you waiting for?
- Did he come to this house?

Excuse me, madam.
The doctor's waiting to see you.

Oh, I'm so sorry, darling,
but I will have to see my doctor.

I'm feeling wretched.
I've been trying to get him all morning.

You see, I'm going on tonight.
The producer has insisted so much.
And I don't want to see him
ruined because of me.

That's all right. I think
we've covered most of the points.

If there's any more I can help you with,
you will let me know?

Thank you. We'll try not
to trouble you again.

Thank you.
You're so understanding.
And so are you.
Doris, show the gentlemen out.
It's all right, thank you. We can
find our own way downstairs.

Mavis, go to the kitchen
and get yourself some tea.

- I'll ring when I need you.
- Yes. Thank you, madam.
