Sunset Blvd.

Oh, one of the message kids.
Just a story won't do.

You'd have turned down
Gone With the Wind.

No, that was me. I said, "Who wants
to see a Civil War picture?"

Perhaps I hated it because
I'd always heard you had talent.

That was last year. This year
I'm trying to earn a living.

So you take plot 27-A,
make it glossy, make it slick--

Those are dirty words.
You sound like New York critics.

- That's all, Miss Kramer-- Schaefer.
- Good-bye, Mr. Gillis.

Next time I'll write you
The Naked and the Dead.

Well, it seems like Zanuck
has got himself a baseball picture.

I don't want you to think I thought
this would win any Academy Award.

Of course, we're always
looking for a Betty Hutton.

- Do you see it as a Betty Hutton?
- Frankly, no.

Wait. If we made it a girls'
softball team, put in a few numbers.

Might make a cute musical. It Happened
in the Bullpen: Story of a Woman.

Are you trying to be funny?
Because I'm all out of laughs.

I'm over a barrel.
I need a job.

- I haven't got a thing.
- Anything. Additional dialogue.

There's nothing. Honest.
Look, Mr. Sheldrake.
Could you let me have 300 bucks
yourself, as a personal loan?

Could I? Gillis.
Last year somebody talked me
into buying a ranch in the Valley.

So I borrowed the money from the
bank in order to pay for the ranch.

This year I mortgaged the ranch so
I could keep up my life insurance...

so I could borrow on my insurance--
After that
I drove down to headquarters.

That's the way a lot of us
think about Schwab's drugstore.

Kind of a combination office,
kaffee klatch and waiting room.

Waiting for the gravy train.
I got myself ten nickels and started
sending out a general SOS.

Couldn't get hold of my agent,
