Sunset Blvd.

Wait a minute.
I want you to get out the car.

Take the script to Paramount and
deliver it to Mr. DeMille in person.

Very good, Madame.
- You really sending it to DeMille?
- Yes, I am.

This is the day.
Here's the chart from my astrologer.
She read my horoscope and DeMille's.

She read the script?
DeMille is Leo. I'm Scorpio.
Mars has been transiting Jupiter.

Today is the day
of the greatest conjunction.

Turn around, darling.
Let me dry you.

I hope you realize that scripts
don't sell on astrologers' charts.

I'm not just selling the script,
I'm selling me.

DeMille always said
I was his greatest star.

When did he say it, Norma?
All right, it was
quite a few years ago.

The point is,
I never looked better in my life.

You know why? Because I've
never been as happy in my life.

A few evenings later we were going to
the house of one of the waxworks...

for some bridge.
She'd taught me
how to play bridge by then...

just as she'd taught me
some fancy tango steps...

and what wine to drink
with what fish.

That idiot. He forgot
to fill my cigarette case.

Here, have one of mine.
They're dreadful.
They make me cough.

Pull up to the drugstore, Max.
I'll get you some.

You're a darling.
Give me a package
of those Turkish cigarettes--
