Sunset Blvd.

I want to say how happy I am to be
in the studio making a picture again.

You don't know how I've missed you.
I'll never desert you again.

Because after "Salome" we'll make
another picture and another.

You see, this is my life. It always
will be. There's nothing else.

Just us and the cameras
and those wonderful people
out there in the dark.

All right, Mr DeMille,
I'm ready for my close-up.

What this film is truly about
is a very, very huge theme,

which is universal.
That is opportunism
and its consequences.

Everyone in it is, to some degree,
an opportunist.

That's a polite way of putting it.
The nature of this business
is the exploitation of people
and its consequences.
It's people who are willing
to sell themselves out for any price.

The test of time
has kept this film alive

in people's interest and excitement
and fascination.
The film's a masterpiece.
It looks more real today
than it did then.

It looks less Gothic,
less melodramatic,

less flamboyant.
One of the interesting things
about Billy Wilder

is that he bridges Old Hollywood
and New Hollywood.

He's got all the grace, the structure,
the beautiful language,

the careful screenplay
and image construction,

with the bitterness and cynicism
of the present.
