Sunset Blvd.

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I deliver perfection...
and don't brag about it! :D

I'd like to introduce
our guest commentator for today,

world-famous designer Miss Edith Head.
The most famous designer in movie
history was the legendary Edith Head.

I deliver perfection...
and don't brag about it! :D

In over four decades of a 60-year career,
Edith brought magic to the screen
in her unforgettable costumes
for Paramount Pictures.

Edith decided Paramount
would be a good place to get a job

because she saw women working there.
But she couldn't draw at all.

Howard Greer was
the costume designer at Paramount,

and he taught her to draw like he drew.
But quickly she started being very useful
all around the wardrobe department.

In 1925, another designer,
Travis Banton, came out from New York.

Eventually, Howard Greer left because
all the big stars were asking for Banton.

Banton was enormously talented.
Yes, this is Sunset Boulevard,
Los Angeles, California.

Without Greer there, he started handing
some of the lesser assignments to Edith.

It's about five o'clock in the morning.
Banton didn't get along
too well with Clara Bow.

That's the homicide squad, complete
with detectives and newspapermen.

Clara Bow was Paramount's biggest star.
A murder's been reported from one
of those houses in the 10000 block.

The public adored her
but she had very poor taste in clothes.

She liked to wear bangle bracelets
with all of her costumes,

You'll read about it
in the late editions.

she wanted belts on dresses
that weren't supposed to have them,

You'll get it over your radio
and on television,

she even wanted to wear
high-heeled shoes with ankle socks.

because an old-time star is involved,
one of the biggest.

And so Banton turned Clara Bow
over to Edith to dress.

But before you hear it all distorted
and blown out of proportion,

The most famous picture
they did together was "Wings".
