Sunset Blvd.

You there, why are you so late?
That should not obscure the fact
that she was very talented.

Why have you kept me
waiting so long?

She made a real contribution
to the pictures she worked on.

Important directors and stars, who could
have had anybody, asked for Edith.

And the clothes,
like some of the films, are timeless.

In here.
They will last forever,
as long as film lasts in this world.

I just put my car in the garage.
I had a blowout. I thought...

- Go on in.
- Maybe I'd better take my car...

Wipe your feet.
Go on.
You're not properly
dressed for the occasion.

- What's the occasion?
- Have him come up, Max.

- Up the stairs.
- Listen for a minute...

- Madame is waiting.
- For me?

If you need help
with the coffin, call me.

This way.
In here.
I put him on my massage table
by the fire.

He always liked fires
and poking at them with a stick.

We'll bury him in the garden.
Any city laws against that?

- I wouldn't know.
- I don't care, anyway.

I want the coffin to be white
and specially lined with satin,
