Sunset Blvd.

And Vilma Banky
and Rod La Rocque.

It was empty now. Or was it?
There was something else going on:
The last rites for that hairy old chimp,

with the utmost seriousness,

as if she were laying to rest
an only child.

Was her life really as empty as that?
It was all very queer,
but queerer things were yet to come.

That night I had a mixed-up dream.
In it there was an organ grinder.

I couldn't see his face,
but the organ was draped in black.

And a chimp
was dancing for pennies.

When I opened my eyes,
the music was still there.

Where was I?
Oh, yes, in that empty room
over her garage.

Only it wasn't empty any more.
I'd had a visitor.

Someone had brought in my belongings,
my books, typewriter and clothes.

What was going on?
Hey, you! Max, whatever your name
is, what are my things doing here?

I'm talking to you. My clothes
and things are up in the room.
