Sunset Blvd.

Still wonderful, isn't it?
And no dialogue.

We didn't need dialogue.
We had faces.

There just aren't any faces like
that any more. Maybe one, Garbo.

Those idiot producers, those imbeciles!
Haven't they got eyes?

Have they forgotten
what a star looks like?

I'll be up there again, so help me!
Sometimes there'd be
a little bridge game.

With a twentieth of a cent a point.
I'd get half her winnings.

Once they ran up to 70 cents, which
was about the only cash I ever got.

The other players
would be actor friends,

dim figures you may still remember
from the silent days.

I thought of them as her waxworks.
- One diamond.
- One heart.

- A spade.
- Pass.

- Three no trump.
- Pass.

- Pass.
- Empty the ashtray, Joe, dear.

- Some men outside ask for you.
- I'm not here.

- That's what I said.
- Good.
