Sunset Blvd.

Max, what's the very best
man's shop in town?

I don't need any clothes and
I don't want you buying them for me.

Why begrudge me a little fun?
I just want you to look nice.

And must you chew gum?
There's nothing like
blue flannel for a man.

This one, single-breasted.
Now we need a topcoat.
Show me your camel's hair.

- Evening clothes?
- I don't need a tuxedo.

Of course you do. A tuxedo, tails
and, if you aren't careful, a cut-away.

- Tails, that's ridiculous!
- For parties and New Year's Eve.

- Where are your evening clothes?
- This way, madam.

Here are some camel's hair,
but feel this, it's vicuòa.

- It's a little more expensive.
- The camel's hair will do.

Well, as long as the lady's paying
for it, why not take the vicuòa?

The last week in December,
the rains came.

A great package of rain. Oversized
like everything else in California.

It came right through the old roof
of my room above the garage.

She had Max move me
to the main house.

I didn't much like the idea.
The only time
I had to myself was in that room.

But, it was better than sleeping
in a raincoat and galoshes.
