Where the Sidewalk Ends

I got as much right
on the sidewalk as you.

Don't talk to me about rights.
You're a hood and a murderer.

You're a pretty smart rat, Scalise,
but this is your off night.

Why are you always jumpin' after me?
Four years jumpin' after me
like I was somebody special. Why?

That's right, getting you
is a special job of mine.

I can't figure you out.
Your father liked me...

Shut up!
- Hello, Lieutenant.
- Got anything, Dixon?

I've been waiting to tell you
what happened, Lieutenant.

Take them outside.
We'll question them later.

Congratulations on your promotion,

OK, OK. Let's have it.
Mr Morrison was brought here
by a fellow named Ken Paine,

sort of an acquaintance of mine.
There was a girl with him,
I, uh, didn't quite get her name.

A Morgan something.
Mr Morrison wanted
a little friendly play.

- How much did he win?
- He didn't win. He lost.

- You're lying, Scalise.
- Let's hear his story first, Dixon.

He lost a grand or so,
but he didn't care.

He was makin' a play for this girl,
showin' his stuff. Paine was jealous.

He hit the girl first, smacked her
hard on the face, and she ran out.

Then Morrison tackled Paine.
Morrison pulled a gun, but Paine
had him so he couldn't shoot,

and they wrestled into the bedroom.
Before I could call the cops,
Paine came out.

He didn't say anything, just left.
Then Morrison came out
and fell on the floor.

- He was dead when I got to him.
- What did you do with the knife?

There wasn't any weapon.
- Paine must have taken it along.
- You're lying, Scalise.

- Let me handle him, Lieutenant.
- What is Paine's address?

I don't know.
"K Paine, 58 Pike Street,
Chelsea 32099."

Another telephone number:
Murray Hill 59970. What's that?

A pool room on Third Avenue.
