A Place in the Sun

What did he say?
He said he thought I ought
to make a very healthy mother.

Gee, Al.
That's all you've said for weeks.
I'm trying to think.
You just gotta marry me.
Family or no family.
This future of yours or no future.

Just looking at it that way
settles everything.

But we haven't got any money.
This thing comes out, I'm through.

I won't even have the job I got now.
- You're just stalling.
- I'm not! I'm trying to think.

I want to figure out some way.
I was thinking maybe when I get
my vacation, first week of September.

All right, that's when we'll do it.
When you get your vacation,
we'll go out of town and get married.

- You understand?
- Yeah, I understand.

Now back again to the news.
It seems the fine weather has been
too fine in parts of the country.

In New York City, seven persons
are reported as having succumbed

from the high temperature.
Nearer home, fine weather
had its darker aspects, too.

The State Highway Patrol says that
fatalities from weekend accidents

exceeded by four the figure for the
corresponding weekend last summer.
