
What do you mean when you call
the accused a born felon?

He has been a tramp and a hoodlum...
ever since he was a child.
His record says it

This penchant for crime has surely
been transmitted congenitally

Judge, do you have any children?
But how is this question relevant
to this case?

Most relevant. Think again. Are you
certain that you have no children?

No. But I reiterate. This question...
- Can you recount the circumstance...

when you threw your wife
out of your house?

My Lord, am I to be forced to reply
to such meaningless questions?

Ms Rita, you may ask questions
relevant only to the case

We wish to know whether or not,
the accused attempted murder

If yes, then why?
Enough! Stop it! I'm a murderer!
Hang me if you will!

Proceed with your questioning
The accused does not deny having
assaulted Judge Raghunath

But, as you said just now,
the question is why he did it

This interrogation is meant
to reveal the answer...

if you my Lord, and Judge Raghunath
repose your trust in me for a while

You may proceed
I repeat my question.
Can you recount the circumstance...

when you threw your wife
out of your house?

I beg your pardon, Judge Raghunath,
but this question is very important

And not only for the accused.
For you too

The cause of whatever is happening
today, lies rooted in your past

Can you tell us? Why, when
and under what circumstance...
