Detective Story

How many burglaries you committed
in New York?

Come on, you got dropped.
Be a man, face it.

Don't you know a good thief
doesn't carry a loaded pistol?

It means five years added to your sentence.
You know, you're lucky we picked you up.
Probably saved you from a murder rap.
I'd never use it.
That's what you think, but it would happen.
Just once, you'd walk in, a woman,
she'd scream, resist, you get scared...

Boom. Boom.
You like the smell of burning flesh?
Your own?

Well, then, talk!
What did you do with the stuff?

Now, wait a minute, fellows.
Lewis is okay. It's Charley.

Listen, Lewis,
Charley let you carry the gun. Why?

He knew if you two got caught,
you'd be the one that gets the bad rap.

See how he crossed you?
Now, we'd like to go easy on you, Lewis.

A little cooperation,
we'll ask the D.A. To give you a break.

- What will I get?
- Were you in jail before?

- Where?
- Elmira. I got out in March.

- How long were you in?
- Three and a half years.

- What for?
- Burglary.

Well, I'd say you would get
seven and a half years to 10.

- Less than that.
- Well, if he cooperates. If not, 15 to 20.

Well, what do you want to know?
How many burglaries you committed
in New York.

- Nine or ten.
- That's better.

What did you do with the stuff?
He gave it to Charley. Didn't you, Lewis?
- Did he sell it?
- Yeah.

- Where?
- In Boston, I think.

- You think? Didn't he tell you?
- No.

You're a bit of a cluck, aren't you, Lewis?
No, no, Lewis is regular. He's cooperating.
- How much did he give you altogether?
- Half. $400.

- What?
- This stuff was worth 30 to $40,000.

It was?
- Charley said it was mostly fake.
- Here's the list. Look for yourself.

- Lewis, you've been robbed.
- Yeah.

Where does Charley live, Lewis?
129th Street, West. I know the house.
I don't know the number.
I can show it to you.

O'Brien, Lewis is going to show you
where the loot is.

- Be nice to Lewis. He's a good man.
- Sure thing. Come on, Ed.
