Detective Story

Arthur was cited four times.
He carried a sailor up three decks
of a burning ship. He got the Silver Star.

- What's his relationship to your sister?
- I told you, we all grew up together.

Is he in love with her?
My sister is one of the most
beautiful girls in New York.

A lot of men are in love with her.
May I talk to Arthur now, please?

Did he give her any money?
She's a very successful model
and makes $400 a week.

- Did he give it to you?
- Are you kidding?

I'm afraid not, miss.
Your sister's boyfriend's in trouble.

- What trouble?
- He's a thief.

- Who says so?
- He does.

I don't believe you.
Arthur. In here.
- Do you have to drag children into this?
- Now, Artie...

What happened?
I took some money
from the man I work for.

- Why, Artie? Why?
- None of your business.

Susan, go home, quick. Get out of here.
Go home.

- Have you got a lawyer?
- No.

- I'll phone Joy and tell her.
- Don't get her involved in this.

There's a newspaperman here.
Do you want to ruin her career?

- But, Artie...
- Get out of here, will you?

Well, young lady, satisfied?
- How much did he take?
- $480.

What's the difference? Tell her
to go home, Officer. She's only a kid.

- I'm not. I wish you would...
- She's got nothing to do with this.

Have your sister call this precinct
as soon as you hear from her.

What for? Don't do it, Suzy.
You don't have...

You shut up.
Okay, miss.
That's all, miss.
Everything's under control, Lou.
Kindred's in there.

The complainant will be on his way soon.
- What's this?
- That's his squeal.

Got a date, huh? Mary?
- You betcha. See you tomorrow, Lou.
- So long, partner.

- So long, slave.
- Hey. Tell her hello.

Well, look who's here. Dr. Schneider.
This is an unexpected pleasure.
