Detective Story

- Did I treat you badly?
- No, Mr. Pritchett.

- Did I pay you a decent salary?
- Yes.

Then why did you do this to me?
I built up my business
from a hole in the wall.

I worked darned hard for it,
and I want my money back.

- And you'll get it. I promise you.
- Susan.

The bank was closed. All I could scrape
together tonight was $120.

- I'll have the rest tomorrow.
- Take that back.

- Let me alone. Don't interfere...
- Who are you, miss?

I'm Susan Carmichael.
I'm an old friend of Arthur's family.

I'd like to straighten this out
with you, Mister...

- Pritchett. Albert R. Pritchett.
- How do you do, Mr. Pritchett?

How do you do?
You say you're prepared to return
the rest of my money?

Yes, I'll sign a promissory note,
or whatever you say.

Say, where'd you get that cash,
Miss Carmichael?

I had some, and I pawned
some jewelry. Here are the tickets.

- Do you want to see them?
- If you don't mind.

- Anything of your sister's here?
- No.

- Is this the young lady...
- No. She doesn't know anything about it.

I know all there is to know.
Shall I make out a note for the rest?

Wait a minute.
We don't run a collection agency here.

This man's a thief. We're here to
prosecute criminals, not collect money.

He's not a criminal.
Miss Carmichael, you seem like
a very nice young lady...

I'm going to give you some advice.
I've seen a thousand like him.
You take your money and run.
- McLeod.
- Yes, sir.

Get me the files on the Cottsworth squeal.
- Cottsworth? 1941?
- Yeah.

That'll be buried under a pile upstairs.
I'll have to dig them up.

Dig them up. Do it now.
Yes, sir.
He spells one thing for you:
Misery the rest of your life.

- He's no good. Believe me, I know.
- That isn't true!

Mr. Pritchett, he never did anything
dishonest before in his life.

Then why did he do it?
- He had a good job. He wasn't hungry.
- I was.

You can be hungry for other things
besides food.
