
But now the laugh is on my side.
Let him go, you brute !
Let him go, you beast!
Let him go !

Hey, you weasel !
Bring that wench back to me !

lt will be the end of me
if Bedanec comes here.

Has it taken your breath away?
Come on, rescue Kekec
if you dare !

Poor lad ! How did you fall
into his clutches?

Run as much as you will,
you rabbit.

l'll soon get you out
of your burrow.

You're moaning at last.
You're in good hands now.

l'll teach you a lot of things.
The schooling will be long.

Let me go, uncle Bedanec.
Never again will l throw
fir-cones at your nose.

lt aches as if thousand
ants bit me.

Well, well,
this sounds better.

l could bring myself to free you
