Royal Wedding

- Isn't it wonderful Tommy?
- It sure is.

(Phone rings)
Hello. Yes. Oh, sure. Yes, yes.
Do come on up.

Room two hundred & eleven,
twelve and fourteen. OK.

Who was that?
Edgar Klinger, Irving's brother,
he's coming up.

I'm so happy Tommy.
I wonder what the Princess
is doing this morning?

Why don't you call her
and ask her?

I know what I'd be doing
a month before my wedding.

Probably trying to figure
a way to get out of it.

Do you really think so?
You know you would,
and so would I.

(Door bell)
How do you do?
I'm Edgar Klinger.

Oh, we didn't know...
- That Irving and I were twins.
- No, we didn't.

I must say.
He should have told you, you know.

After all this is a pretty box of pickles.
May I come in?

Of course, I'm sorry.
How do you do?
So happy to meet you
at long last.

- My, it's amazing.
- It is rather, isn't it?

I do hope the rooms
are satisfactory.

Oh, they're fine.
It's a miracle you could get them.

Yes quite. The wedding
has backed things up a bit.

But, er, then there are ways.
How's everything
in the theatre?

Oh, seems to be humming.
The dancers are coming to audition
this afternoon. The singers tomorrow.

(Phone rings)
Excuse me please.

Hello. Oh, hello Johnny,
how are you?

Ellen's boat romance. John Brindale.
You know him?

Know the family, very old.
They do say that young John's
a bit of a chaser.

Didn't have to chase very hard
after Ellen. She stood still and waited.

This afternoon, no they're
auditioning all day. Just a minute.
