Royal Wedding

Mr. Bowen. I'm Charles Gordon
your stage manager.

Oh, it's nice to see you.
- Everything's ready Sir.
- Oh good.

See that girl in the green dress,
near the end changing her shoes.

Yes Sir.
Let's begin with her. They can each
show me a few steps.

Very good Sir.
- You name please?
- Anne Ashmond.

Thank you.
Will you begin please?

Why, yes.
Miss Anne Ashman.
Will you try a few steps
with me please?

Oh, dear.
Can't you dance
with a partner?

I could
until a moment ago.

Well try. We'll take
something easy to start.

May I have a pick-up please?
You should have seen the expression
on your face, when you saw me.

- How did I look?
- As if I were a dentist.

- You dance very well.
- Thank you.

- I think you'll do fine.
- Will I really?

It's very nice of you not to hold
what happened against me.

I do a little bit.
Well, what can I do?
