
They consider themselves patriots.
We French came along with a mandate--
They don't like it, and they don't trust us!
l know all that!

l know how to make them happy, too.
Pack up my army and march out.

lf l may say so, there is another way.
You could send me to see Emir Hassan.

You never let go of an idea, do you?
lt still isn't too late to arrange a truce.
You'd only get your throat cut.
You know what a butcher he is.

l wonder what they'll call you
after you execute those hostages.

Never mind what they'll call me.
l'm only concerned with doing my duty.

What about the men who are supplying them
guns and ammunition?

-You should have had some results by now.
-l think l have a lead.

But one or two leads. lt's like trying
to stop up the holes in a sieve.

You want them to call me softheaded.

You have to be realistic.
There's more than one way
of being realistic, sir.

-Yes, sir.

Countermand my order to shoot hostages.
Arrest them, hold them for 48 hours
and then release them.

Yes, sir.
Satisfied, Louie?
Perhaps you're right.
Perhaps sending someone
to see the Emir is the best way.

That pleases you, doesn't it?
lt's worth a try.
But l'm not sending you.
You're too valuable a man.
Send someone else in your place.

Lt. Collet.
