
We smelled you coming.
He said you smell like a goat.
Always you joke with me.
l'm getting used to your little jokes.

-Why are you so tired?
-l came running.

-What, my little toothpick?
-What's the matter with you?

Me? Nothing is the matter. Why?
You look sick. Doesn't he look sick?
-l'm never sick.

That's what my poor father said
just before he died!

Nasir. My little shrimp.
You are trying to worry me.

lt's the way you laugh.
Nasir, would a sick man give a party?
l came here to invite you.

l want you to dance for me.
He wants me to dance for him.
We're like brothers.

We're like the fingers of the same hand.
What will we celebrate about?

The day of my birth, what else?
How we will fill our bellies.
How we will eat. And such food!

-Except for one or two things.
-Tell me. Maybe l can help.

lt is nothing, really.
This morning Anoosh said to me....
You remember Anoosh, my wife?

How she can cook!
This morning Anoosh said to me,
''So you have pilaf for the party, all right.

''So you have pahklava, all right.
So you have a whole lamb...

''...hidden in the cellar, fine!
But how can a party be without sweets?

''Get me some dried fruit,'' she said.
''Figs,'' she said, ''peaches.''

But l said, ''Who has figs, peaches,
and dried fruit in these days?''

-So we have no sweets.
-We have dried apricots.

You have dried apricots.
Yes, we have plenty.
Nasir! My sweet little moustache!
