
-lt was you who helped me.
-lt was.

-What do you want?
-Dropped by to see how you were.

l'm fine, thank you.
l'm sorry, l can't ask you in.

That's all right. l don't mind.
Nice place you have here.
Are you happy?
You got your bracelet back.
How did you know?
My man brought it to you.
And what did you say your name was?
Smith. Harry Smith.
l was glad to get it back.
Yes, he told me.
Where did you find it?
Somewhere on the floor.
How did you know it was mine?
lt was easy. lt looks like you.
How did it look like me?
lt would take a long time to tell you.
Go ahead, tell me.
You know....
Yes, l know. How much did it cost you?
-May l?

lt was pretty expensive.
You must be a very rich man.
l do all right.
l run a sort of import-export business,
l guess you'd call it.

Anything people can't get, l can.
Liquor, good food, stockings.
Any luxury item.

Can you get the latest Paris perfumes?
You name it, l've got it.
Last week, when l was in Cairo--

-You were in Cairo!
-Yes. l get around a lot.

l'm sorry you're leaving so soon,
Mr. Smith.
