
-Am l?
-Yes, you are.

You can't blame a guy for trying, can you?
-l don't blame you at all.
-You've got to admit it was a good idea.

-lt was a wonderful idea.
-l can't understand why it didn't work.

l can explain it to you.
You try too hard. You push too hard.

Yes, l guess you're right.
That's always been one of my great faults.

You have so much to learn.
You can't teach an old horse new tricks.
Or is it dog?

-Do you mind if l finish my drink?
-Please, go ahead.

-Shall l pour you one?
-No. You're so impudent.

As l said, you can't blame a guy for trying,
can you?

Sure you won't join me?
Not now.
Nasir, my little lamb, my sweet friend.
We smelled you coming.
He said you smell like a goat.
Always you joke with me.
l'm getting used to your little jokes.

-Why are you so tired?
-l came running.

-What, my little toothpick?
-What's the matter with you?

Me? Nothing is the matter. Why?
You look sick. Doesn't he look sick?
-l'm never sick.

That's what my poor father said
just before he died!

Nasir. My little shrimp.
You are trying to worry me.

lt's the way you laugh.
Nasir, would a sick man give a party?
l came here to invite you.

l want you to dance for me.
