
Is it really that hard ?
Yes, because no one takes care of me.
no one, exept my dog.
Only my dog.
And what about me,
Am I nothing to you ?

Do you care about me ?
If i didn't i would't have shown you my strawberry spot .
It makes me wonder.
i'll never die.
I'll become a very old women.

i'll never die.
But i am scared...
scared that I, Henrik,

may vanish someday,
in the darkness, in the unknown.

Why do you say that ?
I don't know, but i feel it strongly.
Most interesting, anyway.
What about those strawberries ?
Yes of course.
I think we'll become friends.
I think so too.
oncle Erland paid us a visit.
He gave me a bracelet.
He was very kind,
very found of me.
Aunt Elizabeth was drinking too much.
She was very bitter
she talked about mum.

But nobody was listening to her.
I enjoy coffee.
