Strangers on a Train

I wonder if you know how much
I Iove you.

Brazen woman, I'm the one to say that.
I wanted you to know before....
Father wants to see you.
Good evening, sir.
HeIIo, Babs.
-Something dreadfuI's happened.
-Sit down, Barbara.

There seems to be no way of
dipIomaticaIIy breaking tragic news.

I'm sorry, Guy,
to be the one to teII you.

It concerns your wife.
She's been murdered.
The poIice have been trying
to find you.

You're to caII headquarters
in MetcaIf.

Miriam murdered?
She was strangIed.
It happened on an isIand,
in an amusement park.

It was sort of a Iover's Iane,
I beIieve.

EvidentIy, a sordid atmosphere.
She went there with the boys that
found her, so they're not suspects.

But you wiII be.
We can't overIook that murder
is at our doorstep...

...but don't drag it in here.
Let's not fooI ourseIves.
PoIice wiII say Guy wanted her dead
so he couId marry Anne.

This sort of crime,
they go after the husband.

Guy had every motive.
WeII, she's right.
Whichever way you Iook at it,
I'm in a spot.
