Strangers on a Train

We better be getting back.
We've actuaIIy been aIone for an hour.
Seems aImost indecent.

You Iike?
I Iike.
I was feeIing Iike a goIdfish.
Excuse me.
WiII you stop pestering me?
You're spoiIing everything
by making me come out into the open.

I've tried caIIing you.
Did you get my note?
Why haven't you caIIed? My father
is Ieaving for FIorida next week.

Listen, you-- There's a detective
outside. He'II see us together.

Isn't that Anne Morton?
SIight improvement
over Miriam, huh, Guy?

Stay away from me, I'm teIIing you.
Who is it, Guy?
I never saw him before.
Just some tennis fan.

Here's a speciaI deIivery.
It's marked "personaI."

-Thank you.
-You getting any practice today?

Yes, if I can get a court at the cIub.
-Barbara, who are you waving at?
-Mr. Hennessy.

It's a shame Daddy won't Iet us
have him in.

You met him yet, Louise?
He's awfuIIy cute.
