5 Fingers

...or Nazi access
to secret documents...

...or possibility have broken
British cipher... '

Colin Travers, a special agent
of British Counter Intelligence...

...left London by plane next
morning, bound for Istanbul.

Colonel von Richter of the Gestapo
Counter Espionage Service...

...left Berlin by plane
the same day.

Travers and Colonel von Richter
arrived Istanbul the same evening...

...and boarded
the Anatolian Express.

They reached Ankara next morning.
Von Richter carried
a Swiss passport...

...identifying him as
Herr Rudolph Hodler...

...a tobacco buyer from
Berne, Switzerland.

He was met at station by a
Gestapo agent named Siebert...

...and escorted to the German
Embassy to confer with von Papen.

Travers was greeted outside
the station by Keith McFadden...

...a British agent attached
to the Embassy in Ankara.

- Glad to see you, Captain.

They left without delay to meet
with the British Ambassador.

To begin with, sir, I think we
must assume that the source...

...of information to the Nazis is
someone here at the Embassy.

It's been ruled out...
- Our personnel and permanent...

...employees have had previous
security clearance from London.

I've never known a self-respecting
spy without a security clearance.

Where is classified information kept?
Here in my safe. And
in the first secretary's.

And the code room?
- Under guard, day and night.

Don't you think it most likely
that this lapse in security...

...was due to a slip of the lip
at some party or reception?

My lips are not in the habit
of slipping, Mr. Travers.

Nor do I imply that they are. But our
material passes trough other hands...

...and might pass through other lips.
Now McFadden was telling me
about an unattached lady...

...a certain Countess Staviska.
