5 Fingers

...remarks at one of Anna
Staviska's dinner parties?

Frankly, that is a fairly
accurate summary of the...

...report I will send to London.
I hope you're right.
The fact remains, however...

...that von Papen still anticipates
every move I make.

You may soon be doing
some anticipating, sir...

...about von Papen and his moves.
How do you mean that?
Now, this is extremely
confidential, but...

...our cryptographers have succeeded
in breaking a German diplomatic code.

The code use by their Embassy here?
That's welcome news, I must say.
They'll discard the code...
...just as we change
ours periodically.

We'll be eaves-dropping
on the German Ambassador.

To eavesdrop on von Papen...
...a pleasure I have long hoped for.
Nervous, Colonel?
This house is too
dangerous meeting place.

The British may be watching it.
They haven't yet, but they will soon.
They suspect the Countess
is a German agent.

Are you serious?
And all the while you suspected
she was a British agent.

Amusing, isn't it?
- Not at all.

We shouldn't have met here.
From now on, we won't.
Do you know the Aslan Hane
Mosque in the Old Quarter?

Moyzisch will find it.
We'll meet in the entrance a
week from tonight at the same hour.

Be sure to take your shoes off. The
Moslems will resent if you don't.

- No more childish than...

...your resenting someone's
hat being on in church.

What am I buying this week?
An exchange of notes between
the Turks and the British.

The Turks have decided to remain
neutral for the time being.

But such information is hardly
worth 20,000 pounds.

Is good news of no value
to you Germans?

Or are you willing to pay
only for storm warnings...

...of disasters you can
do nothing about?

There's a disaster we
can do something about...

...and which it is most important
for us to have information...

...as quickly as possible.
- Sounds exciting.
