Come Back, Little Sheba

Little Sheba.
Come, Little Sheba, come back.
Come back, Little Sheba.
I remember being taken to this hospital
in a padded limousine and a straitjacket.
I should think you'd try to forget it.
If you talk about it enough,
you do forget, so they tell me.

No good burying it or being ashamed.
I'm going in under my own steam now,
that's what's important.

I was never violent. I had quiet DTs.
The noises were made by
the caterpillars on the wall

while I waited
for them to turn into butterflies.

What's the matter, Doc?
It's no picnic, but you get used to it.

- Looks like we're having company.
- Yeah.

Bruce is coming tomorrow night.
I'm gonna ask him to dinner.

- Marie know about it?
- Yeah. She was real pleased.

She said she thought it was
very thoughtful of me.

Gotta take this polish back
to Mrs Coffman.

- I'm pooped.
- Don't use that word, it sounds vulgar.

I hear Marie say it all the time.
I thought it was cute.

Marie doesn't say it,
her language is refined.
